Additional web supplements provided for information about the sites we visited.
Bacon, David, “Displaced, Unequal & Criminalized: Fighting for the Rights of Migrants in the US” 2012 excerpt
Bao, Jiemin, “From Wandering to Wat: Creating a Thai Temple and Inventing New Space in the United States.” Amerasia Journal 34(3)2008: 1-18
Blake, Kevin S. & Daniel D. Arreola, “Residential Subdivision Identity in Metropolitan Phoenix,” Landscape Journal 15(1)1996: 23-35
Davis, Mike, “The Latino Metropolis”, from his book Magical Urbanism: Latinos Reinvent the US City, Verso 2000: 39-49
Dimas, Pete R, Progress and a Mexican American Community’s Struggle for Existence: Phoenix’s Golden Gate Barrio. Peter Lang, 1999 (selections)
Foreign Trade Zones—special advertising section of Journal of Commerce, Sept 3, 2012
Gross, Joan, “Constructing a Community Food Economy.” Food and Foodways 19: 2011: 181-200
Koptiuch, Kristin, “Cruzando Fronteras/Crossing Phoenix,” 2012
Koptiuch, Kristin, “Urban Culture and the Transnational Space of Foreign Trade Zones in Metro Phoenix,” Unfunded internal grant proposal, 2007
Leong, Russell C. and Kyeyoung Park, “How Do Asian Americans Create Places? From Background to Foreground.” Amerasia Journal 34(3)2008: vii-xiv (intro to special journal issue)
Luken, Kristin, “Field (& Other) Methods: Participant Observation.” From her book Salsa Dancing Into the Social Sciences: Research in an Age of Info-Glut. Harvard UP 2008, pp 155-157, 160-167
Malinowski, Bronislaw, Argonauts of the Western Pacific. 1922. on canoes (handout in class)
Massey, Doreen, “A Global Sense of Place.” From her book Space, Place, and Gender, U Minnesota P 1994: 146-156
Massey, Douglas S, “Five Myths About Immigration: Common Misconceptions Underlying US Border-Enforcement Policy” Immig Policy Ctr, 2005
Mathur, Lynette Knowles and Ike Mathur, “The Effectiveness of the Foreign-Trade Zone as an Export Promotion Program: Policy Issues & Alternatives.” Journal of Macromarketing Fall 1997: 20-31
Nabhan, Gary, “Caring Capacity versus Carrying Capacity: Re-Designing Borderland Food Systems for the Health of the Land and the Health of Its Multicultural Communities.” 2011
Phillips, Susan A, “El Nuevo Mundo: The Landscape of Latino Los Angeles. Photographs by Camilo Jose Vergara,” American Anthropologist 103(1)2001:15-188
Rojas, James, “The Latino Use of Space in East Los Angeles,” in Gustavo Leclerc, Raul Villa, Michael J. Dear, eds, Urban Latino Cultures: La Vida Latina en L.A., Sage 1999: 131-136
Roy, Ananya, “Placing Planning in the World--Transnationalism as Practice and Critique,” Journal of Planning Education and Research 31(4)2011:406-415
Sassen, Saskia, “The City: Strategic Site/New Frontier,” in Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme: Frontera, Barcelona: Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, 2001 12-15
Stuart , Gary L., “A Circle of Death,” chapter from his book Innocent Until Interrogated: The True Story of the Buddhist Temple Massacre and the Tucson Four. U AZ Press, 2010: 4-10
Taylor, Carissa et al, “Maryvale Nutrition Environment Measures Survey: Availability and Affordability of Healthy Food Options in Maryvale and Canyon Corridor—Phoenix, Arizona. September 2011
Witness for Peace, “Forced From Home: US Trade Policy & Immigration” 2007